
Silke Caspers

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About me

For more than two decades, I have been creating opportunities for personal development through global seminars and coaching sessions. My primary focus is on enhancing self-efficacy in both professional and personal life, with a specific emphasis on potential analysis, leadership, and resilience. In my work I integrate my various fields of expertise with my unique ability to swiftly discern individuals' potential and recognize both constraining and supportive behavioral patterns. With confidence and passion, I actively guide individuals, project groups, and teams to explore beyond their familiar patterns, fostering continuous and profound self-development.

Practice enrichment

My expertise in the areas of leadership, potential development and resilience is based on a wide range of professional and personal experience. These stem not only from my role as a senior physiotherapist in oncology and intensive care pediatrics, but also from a six-month assignment in development aid projects in India, numerous international business trips and personal life challenges. Continuous training and further education are just as much a part of my life as the regular application of the techniques and interventions I teach, which offer practical added value in my training and coaching sessions.

In the process support of individuals and teams, I draw on the following wealth of experience:

In addition
my certifications:

As well as my training in: